Apex Competition's 996 Carrera 2 Project Car

So what's this all about? It's about the impressive Porsche GT3 Cup cars that we can't drive everyday... so why not take an affordable 996 C2 and modify it to arrive at a semi-comfortable yet formidable weekend club sport toy... One that can still be driven to and from the circuit and even everyday!

Monday, June 2, 2008

First Mod - A Little Sparkle

Before the ACS 996 even got to our shops it was being modified. As soon as we found the car and made a deposit, the fingers were flying on the keyboard searching for bits to add to the car so that we could begin getting it ready four it's first track day. Bill was planning to instruct at BeaveRun just 3 days after the car was schuleded to arrive.... what could we do on such short notice without having the car here to physically inspect? Not much. However one of the changes we knew was going to be made was the cenversion from the early '99 style headlights and yellow signals & corner lights to the later style clear or "white" lights. This change would really update the perceived "age" of the car and also compliment the white on black "theme".

So we ordered up a set of the very affordable Bosch corner lights and started searching for '00-'01 style headlights. Much to our dismay there were not any used headlights available out there this week and new units just were not in the current budget. So it was decided the headlights will have to wait for a later date.

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